Win a Champions League Football with Gala Casino brought to you by The Stretty Rant
We’re very luck to have teamed up with Gala Casino to offer our readers the chance to win a 2012 Adidas Champions League football. All you have to do is answer the question below and drop us an email with your entry. Closing date is Monday 1st October at 5pm – the winner will be announced the next day. Check out Gala Casino and play football rules slots if you can.
So the question is:
Who did Manchester United play in their first ever European Cup fixture and what was the final score?
As mentioned, closing date is Monday 1st October at 5pm and the competition is for UK entrants only. Please send your entry to with the subject line “Gala Competition”. Good luck!
I am very disappointed that this competition is limited to U.K. entrants only.
I live in Cananda.
This is a real shit, why didn’t u allow some fans who r not from uk
Hi Bulletproof.
Sorry you feel that way, but those are the rules sir.